Market Your Accounting Business Like You Mean It

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Your marketing strategies are usually reflective of your business’ growth and your overall success. So why are you putting off what is in your best interest? Marketing must be done with an objective in mind, and your fears and reservations simply cannot get in the way.

Here’s how to start marketing your accounting business like the pro that you are:

Talk Up your Specialty

Today’s business owners want the best professionals on the job, and the power of the Internet has allowed them to find the best person to complete the task at hand. Therefore, if you are just marketing yourself as an accountant without cluing potential clients in on the details of your skills, you may very well get passed over for someone with a few accounting specialties attached to their name.

In other words, if your auditing skills are your strongest, play them up and get the word out about your unique skillset. And don’t stop working on sharpening your accounting skills so you can continuously add to your repertoire.

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Get Up Off your Wallet

One of the biggest fears about marketing is that is doesn’t guarantee a return on your investment. In fact, CPAs are notorious for dismissing the need to market, saying instead that their skills and a few, good referrals are all that is needed to keep moving.

But if you take the time to research your competitors, you may find a marketing trend or two taking place. If you can identify marketing trends among competitors, chances are these are proven tactics that have worked for them. And that means your risk of little to no return on your investment is diminished quite a bit.

Push Yourself Out of your Comfort Zone

Although the idea of marketing through social media platforms makes you sweat (after all, you’re an accountant, not writer), navigating your way through unknown territory may mean new clients and a solid presence in your field. Take to Twitter, Facebook, guest blogging and your website and let people know who you are.